Citizens demand climate justice

Hundreds gather for climate strike in Dallas

Signs and Skyline

As part of a global climate strike on Sept. 20, roughly 500 protestors gathered on the Continental Avenue Bridge in Dallas between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Several speakers, including representatives from organizations such as Veterans for Peace and the Environmental Justice Committee, rallied the crowd before a march along the bridge that began at 8 p.m. The topics of each speech varied, but all shared the same message: climate awareness. 

“I think that climate change is a really serious issue that needs to be addressed quickly,” senior Alia Childers said. “And the people who have the power to address it aren’t [doing so].”

Multiple guest speakers, including president of Veterans for Peace North Texas Ron Unger and two representatives from Lush, called upon protestors to vote in the upcoming primaries and presidential election. 

“I know that we, as a generation, have been forced upon to act,” University of North Texas freshman Michael Fish said. “Use your voice as if your life depends on it, because it does.”

Around 8 p.m., after all the guest speakers had given their speeches, the youth led the group along the bridge in multiple chants that defined their cause in simple, catchy phrases. 

“No more coal, no more oil, keep your carbon in the soil,” protesters said.

Marchers traveled along the length of the bridge before turning around to return to the event’s starting point on the southwestern portion of the bridge. After a 15 minute period during which protestors stood together and circulated through chants, they participated in a “die-in.” Members traced each other’s outlines in chalk after lying down (“dying”) on the concrete with phrases such as “Victim of Capitalism” written within.

“The people of the world know what’s happening and they know that it needs to change,” Childers said.