Tomisin Alausa, Reporter
Tomisin Alausa has loved writing stories and investigating since she was in elementary school. Writing has always been such a big part of her life. When she was writing, she was in another world and at peace, which wasn’t something she got too often. During the application process for the Panther Prints, she was very nervous because all she wanted was to have a chance to make a difference with her writing and she finally has that opportunity. Last year in American Studies, the class was given a project that they could tackle from any angle they wanted. Tomisin knew right away that she wanted to write a short story and to this day, that short story is her biggest accomplishment. Tomisin is currently working on a short story in hopes to achieve a scholarship. She plans to improve her writing and interviewing skills this year but also looks forward to making new friends and a difference at school.